Registration Form[download]
Special Registration Fee
(IEEE SMCS Members, IEEE Life Members, or participants from Developing Countries/Region):
US$500 for the first paper (US$450 for any subsequent papers from the same first author)
Regular Registration Fee
(non-IEEE-SMCS Members and non-IEEE-Life Members from Developed Countries/Region):
US$550 for the first paper (US$500 for any subsequent papers from the same first author)
Extra Page Charge:If your paper exceeds 10 pages, please pay US$60 for each additional page
Registration Fee without Publication and without Presentation (including student registration):US$260
Extra Proceedings (each):US$60
Each registration fee includes publication of 1 paper of maximum 10 pages in the conference proceedings, 1 Proceedings, lunches, dinners, banquet, tea breaks, as well as all technical sessions.
Each paper must have a dedicated registration with full payment received by the date specified in the acceptance email for the paper to be included in the proceedings and conference program (multiple papers require multiple registration fees). All accepted but unregistered papers will be excluded from the conference proceedings, conference program, EI Compendex, ISTP, and IEEE Xplore.
If your paper(s) is(are) already covered by registration(s) from co-author(s), or if you do not need to publish or present a paper, the registration fee (including student registration fee) is US$260, which includes lunches, dinners, banquet, tea breaks, as well as all technical sessions. If you require proceedings, the following proceedings charges apply. If you wish to make a presentation but without publishing a paper, you need to pay author registration fee.
Extra proceedings costs US$60 per piece.
Please complete the registration form anduploadit to the Final Paper Submission System .
会议注册费(含论文版面费): 人民币3050元
加页费: 如果您的文章超过10页,超过的部分每页加收人民币360元
参会费: 人民币1200元(不含论文版面费、论文集光盘)
另买光盘: 人民币200元 (每张)
ICNC-FSKD 2025注册费缴费银行账户:
帐 号: 800271690608014
作者通过银行汇款,请您一定切记要求银行营业员在 “附件信息及用途” 一栏中填写所录用的论文编号P****和第一作者姓名(请不要填写 “会议注册费” 等字样)。
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